Monday, November 5, 2007

Hello Austin

Hello Austin,

As the title of this blog states, this is a blog providing reflections on conversations in will be having with citizens in East Austin. I plan on discussing both local and national issues, with no one in particular. My hope is that this will serve as a venue through which to catalyze the community's awareness, and bring about a greater consciousness for what is effecting those of us in East Austin.

As for me, my name is Doug Mayeux. I grew up in Dallas, but am thrilled to be living in Austin. I moved here in July with my wife Bridgett upon completion of six years of service in the Air Force. I am a senior at UT Austin, studying government. Bridgett is a law student at UT Law. We are both progressives, interested in leveling the playing field a bit, and creating an America that has civil righteousness, and is socially just. I hope you enjoy reading my reflections.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good work keeping this updated!Thanks a lot!Movers Austin Texas